Palaeontology Museum
The Palaeontology Museum officially opened in 1981 and in the year 2000 it was re-housed in the halls of Malatesta Fortress. It contains hundreds of exhibits consisting largely of fossilized fish, leaves, and rare bird and animal remains (birds' wings and feathers) found in rottenstone. There are also splendid shraks' teeth and minor fossil collections from nearby areas and from abroad.
Considerable space is dedicated to the concept of Time, the true focal point of Palaeontological theory, which is illustrated by means of diorama and three-dimensional reconstructions of the prehistoric marine environment. Two important issues come to light here, the first regarding the supposed "mummy fish" , and the second concerning the discovery of fossilized DNA.
It is possible to book a guided visit for groups and schools, contacting mobile 366 2078470 "gestione associazione tredici torrioni" .
English and French spoken.
Partially accessible to disabled guests.
from Rimini, Riccione and Morciano bus n. 174, 175, 180 | www.startromagna.it/servizi/orari-e-percorsi/
closed on 25th December, 1st January, Easter and 15th August