Villas in Rimini
Grand Hotel
The seafront heading towards the port can boast the Grand Hotel, an Art-Nouveau building (1908) designed by Paolito Somazzi.
This is one of the favourite places in Fellini's imagery, as shown by the Maestro's own words: "the Grand Hotel was a fable of wealth, luxury and eastern splendour... on summer evenings it would become Istanbul, Baghdad, Hollywood... you would glimpse ladies' bare backs that looked like gold ... now and again a fragrant breeze would carry syncopated tunes, so languid they could make you faint".
Viale Ramusio, 1 - tel: (+39) 0541 56000 | Grand Hotel Rimini
Villa des Vergers
The name of the Villa belongs to the Parisian Marquis "Joseph Marin Adolphe Noel des Verges", historian, scholar of classical antiquity, a student of Eastern languages and cultures, archaeologist and collector. The current appearance dates back to 1897, but there is mention of it as early as the 1600s.
The building rises on three floors in the central part, and on two in the side parts:
It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with a pool and a 60s dance floor.
Via Montelabbate 32 - Rimini tel: (+39) 0549 902007 | Villa Des Vergers Rimini
Villa Mattioli
Located about 5 km from Rimini, immersed in the greenery of the foothills of Valmarecchia, Villa Mattioli, the work of the architect Luigi Poletti, it has returned to its former glory after the restoration work which has given new light to the decorations with neoclassical, neo-Renaissance and Romantic motifs.
The furnishings of the rooms consist of armchairs and period furniture, including the presidential table.
Today it is the ideal venue for conventions and conferences.
Via Montefiorino 7 , - Vergiano di Rimini tel: (+39) 0541 610724 - 0541 612228; 0541 726661
The villas of Riccione
Villa Franceschi
This was built in two stages, between the years 1900 and 1920. The building was altered during the 1920s, either as a consequence of the 1916 earthquake or because it changed hands, and the rear part with its small tower dates from this stage.
A typical feature of this period is the little summerhouse in the garden, concealing the well, an essential feature of Riccione villas in the early twentieth century. The exterior decorations are especially fine; made of cement, they are probably the work of Guerrino Giorgetti, who was much in vogue at the time. The villa is seat of the Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery.
Via Gorizia, 2 - tel: (+39) 0541 693534, (+39) 0541 600113 | www.riccione.it/villa-franceschi
Villa Lodi Fe
The exact date of this building is not known, but it does not feature in the land register of 1901. Examination of the building techniques employed shows that it was enlarged during the early 1920s, before Riccione broke away from Rimini to become a separate municipality.
How to get there: it s located inside the central park in Riccione
Via delle Magnolie - tel: (+39) 0541 691640 | www.riccione.it/ivillini
Villa Mussolini
It was the home for the seaside holidays of the Duce, Benito Mussolini. His decision to spend his summer holidays in Riccione has greatly contributed to promoting tourism on the Rimini Riviera.
It is home to a museum and cultural activities.
Viale Milano, 51 - tel: (+39) 0541 601457 | www.riccione.it/villini