Museum The History of Sic - The Flame of Sic

Comune di Coriano

The History of Sic is waiting for you !
The museum is open from Friday to Sunday .

During the Easter period it is also open on Monday, April 1
hours : 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. // 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The Sic flame, on the other hand, is lit every Sunday after sunset!

Go to Coriano and you know it. You already know it. You probably go because of that. You know that you will meet him, that he will be there, that you will feel him, that -somehow- he will be there. You arrive and you see posters, old flags, somewhat faded banners, 58 everywhere, you experience feelings, strong emotions. He is there. He was born there, he grew up there, he finished there, but he is there, he is present. Even though he is far away, farther and farther away, there at the top, there at the bottom, there who knows where.... You get to the square, you look at it, you see the Church, the monument, you remember that day, you turn your head: there, the Museum is there, under the arcades ( P. Beltramo)

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.


­ starting from 5.00 €

­All prices
intero 8.00 €

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