The silver of the night

Osservatorio Naturalistico Valmarecchia

An evening dedicated to observing the celestial vault, to discover and recognize together the main constellations of the summer sky and observe some deep sky objects through a telescope, in the company of the Rubicon Astronomical Association

Valmarecchia Naturalistic Observatory, Via Vicinale Scanzano, 4, 47825 Poggio Torriana (RN).

All activities are included in the entrance fee.

Full € 2.5
Reduced € 2.10 (children 6 to 14 years of age, over 65, groups of minimum 15 people, school groups)
Free: children aged 0 to 5, disabled and accompanying persons

For info and reservations:
0544 995671

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

Via Vicinale Scanzano 4, Poggio Torriana, (RN)

­ starting from 2.50 €

­All prices
Ridotto ( (bambini da 6 a 14 anni di età, over 65, gruppi di minimo 15 persone, scolaresche) 2.10 €
Bambini da 0 a 5 anni, disabili e accompagnatori free
0544 995671
Via Vicinale Scansano, 4, fraz. Montebello, Poggio Torriana, (RN)

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