When Italians were called upon to choose

Comune di Montegridolfo

June 2 marks the day of the historic 1946 referendum: Italians, men and women, for the first time with universal suffrage, were asked to express their preference on the future of the country.

Yesterday, as today. The Right to Choose.

What happened in the late spring in Italy in 1946? What did the people choose? What happened next?

A journey through the words and images of the time (LUCE archives) dedicated to everyone, but especially to the new generations, whom we know to be curious and attentive.

Sunday, June 2
from 10 a.m.
Visit to the Museum of the Gothic Line in Montegridolfo with projection on the big screen and narration by Alessandro Agnoletti, Chairman of the Museum's Scientific Committee.
For more information: museolineadeigoti@gmail.com

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.


­ free


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