The ghosts of the Province of Rimini
We have so many ghosts, so many as to make those of the castles of Scotland envious. The majority are in the Romagna region and regularly make themselves come “alive”.
There are many castles in the province of Rimini and in at least ten these ghostly shapes are present which have been inscribed since memorable times.
In some cases, as you will read later on, voices are heard, some requesting for help or sobbing, which happens with little Azzurrina, who wanders around the Castle of Count Guidi, which, seven hundred years ago, was part of his family, at Montebello of Torriana. The story of the little Ermelinda Malatesta, daughter of Constance and Ugunuccio. On June 21st, 1375 she mysteriously disappeared into the castle’s depths and was no longer found. Her nickname comes from the tinted hair her mother gave her to hide the fact that her daughter was albino. In fact, because of her albino features, in those times she would have been suspected of witchcraft. At the end of the summer solstice for every shine you can hear noises of footsteps and tears coming from the castle.
As always Azzurrina seems to have been caught in the profile with her new companion, a hooded spirit that seems to have been recently photographed. And some experts say it might be the mother and that the population of the spirits in the Count Guidi castle is destined to continue to grow.
In other fortresses, one can see escaping along the walkways and the corridors, like a sudden wind, white flowing cloaks, as it happens at Santarcangelo di Romagna. It is in fact that the presence of these figures made of spirits is not only testified by the word or the gaze of the flesh and bones of men, but by sophisticated equipment that stop the image and the word, or better the sounds. Modern times has come to the aid and even the greatest unbelievers just need to give up in front of what the machines unveil. If the human senses are wrong, the tools are not! So you just have to believe it.
Among the cities where paranormal phenomena were recorded that stimulate the imagination of the old and young, as you will always see in Valmarecchia, Santarcangelo where in the upper part of the Malatestian Fortress, in the moonless nights, the ghost of a young bride walks continuously. It’s nothing other than the well-known Francesca from Polenta who was married to Giovanni Malatesta called The Cripple. She definitely stayed here but it is not sure that she died here, murdered, with her beloved Paolo, by her husband. Going up the river of Marecchia one reaches Verucchio, where in particular winter nights, tradition conveys the appearance of the ghost carriage of Malatesta, driven by bulls, passes through the village and then falls down the hill leading to the river.
And going up higher one reaches the ruins of what was once the ancient Maiolo, where castle and fortress were destroyed in 1700 by a landslide, which also destroyed the valley following a violent storm, while according to the legend it was because of the divine punishment inflicted by the angelic dance that was practiced there. Some of those damned souls still roam without peace and in the woods below is narrated of the strange sightings of dancing figures, in the light of the full moon.
In the Valley of Conca, it is Montefiore Conca hosting the ancient ghosts, very strange, because it seems as though they choose different homes to show themselves, even though the results of the devices have traced them back to the Malatesta Fortress. It is no less than of Mondaino, with ghosts that were signaled not long ago to the policemen in service at an electoral venue.
In Riccione there is a story about a ghost in eighteenth-century clothing running down while crossing a country road.
In Morciano of Romagna, instead, according to legend, the ghost of a young victim of an accident.
In short, in the Rimini area, there are ghosts for all tastes, and yes it’s about little girls, women, lovers, the elderly, just look for them and you may happen to find them.
Taken from "Legends, mysteries and curiosity of the province of Rimini".