Marano Park, Cerasolo, Mulazzano, Vecciano

CAI number: 033 / 031
distance: 10.5 km
difference in altitude: -362 +362 metres
difficulty: tourist level
duration: 2 hours 45 minutes
Marano Park
From the car park follow the provincial road west for 400 metres as far as Via Vecciano junction; turn right onto via Vecciano and after the confluence with via Loreta continue until Via del Fagianojunction.

Via del Fagiano junction
turn left onto via del Fagiano for a short stretch of road that then becomes a dirt track, as far as via Palombara junction. Turn left onto via Palombara, as far as the junction with via Monte.

Via Monte junction
take via Monte turning right and after a descent of 400 metres turn left onto via La Roncona. At the end of the tarmac stretch of road, continue on the left on a dirt track as far as Villa Irene.

Villa Irene
the dirt road ends here; continue straight along a grassy animal track as far as the course of the Rio Mortella, hidden by branches.

Rio Mortella ford
the animal track reaches beyond the confluence of two waterways; to ford them only once, turn right for about 50 metres following the right bank of the stream and the edge of a cultivated field. Beyond the stream and after having crossed a small stretch of dense scrubland turn right onto a country road heading north  and climb steeply to Case Fantini.

Case Fantini
turn left onto via Ciavatti and climb it until it joins with via 1° Maggio, turn left and continue as far as Cerasolo.

Turn left onto via Il Pedrone near Cerasolo church and continue to the junction with via Olmo. At the bottom of the descent, turn left onto via dell’Olmo to the small bridge that crosses Mortella ditch. The climb begins here and after 700 metres reaches via Levata junction.

Via Levata junction
Veer right onto via Levata and continue as far as the junction with via Europa. Turn left onto via Europa and continue to the centre of Mulazzano.

in Piazza Mula D’Oro turn left onto via Agello and continue along it as far as the junction with via Ripa Bianca. Turn left here and continue downhill for a long stretch on via Ripa Bianca. Near Vecciano, the name of the road changes to via Loreta and leads back to the junction with via Vecciano.

Via Vecciano junction
turn right onto via Vecciano and continue until it leads onto the Marano provincial road. Continue left towards Ospedaletto and back to Marano Park.

Marano Park
the trail ends at the car park.

Taken from Natural. Environment and landscapes in the territory of Rimini