Tramonto DiVino in Villa

Comune di Riccione

The Emilia-Romagna roadshow of taste, which for 19 years has been combining regional wines and food of certified quality (PDO and PGI), food and wine culture and tourism, makes a stop in Riccione, on 26 July, at Villa Mussolini.
Actors in the food and wine show will be a small army of sommeliers, chefs, wine experts, journalists, bloggers and storytellers ready to tell and let the public taste the pearls of taste made available by consortia and regional wineries.
More than 300 regional wine labels will be tasted at the tasting counters, served and narrated by the sommeliers of Ais-Associazione italiana sommelier. Special guest of the evening will be the best Metodo Classico bubbles from Emilia Romagna.
The wines will be accompanied by quality finger food with the best regional PDO and PGI products, served by chefs, students and teachers from the Scuola Alberghiera Pellegrino Artusi in Forlimpopoli. Guest of honour of the stage, the king of cheeses, Parmigiano Reggiano Dop.
Vademecum for the tasting evening 'Emilia Romagna da Bere e da Mangiare' edition 2024/2025, the regional Ais Guide, handed out to all participants, which together with the 'Vini E/R' App, downloadable free of charge from all stores, allows participants to get in touch with the regional wine production through the accounts of the expert tasters of the territorial Ais.
Live music with the sax and voice of the Hamami duo and the story of wines and products being tasted by the protagonists will complete an evening of wine tasting and food culture.

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.


­ starting from 25.00 €


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