27th TTV Festival - ANEMOIA

Comune di Riccione

Inaugurating the 27th TTV Festival will be ANEMOIA, an original installation in Villa Franceschi curated by Massimo Giorgetti, founder and creative director of MSGM, which presents images of a timeless Riviera, re-emerging as if by magic from the continuous and never identical succession of seasons.
The protagonists of this journey into the collective imagination are some of the greatest narrators through images of the Adriatic Riviera, from the 1980s onwards: Luigi Ghirri, Claude Nori and Massimo Vitali, Fulvia Farassino, with her Riccione portraits of Pier Vittorio Tondelli and Yuri Ancarani.
The inauguration, by invitation only, is scheduled for Friday 30 August at 7pm; visits will continue until 15 September (Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 2pm-6pm; Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 6pm-10pm, free admission).
The Riccione TTV Festival is a project organised by Riccione Teatro, an association promoted by the Municipality of Riccione and
ATER Fondazione, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Emilia-Romagna Region.

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.


­ free


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